Saturday, May 18, 2013

Find Total Number of Zeroes

Puzzle # 9
A certain street has 500 buildings. A sign-maker is contracted to number the buildings from 1 to 500. Agreement was made such that contractor will be given with an dollar amount of total Zeroes, that he used to number the buildings?

  • Contractor follows some special Convention to earn more amount of dollars

What could be the Count of Zeroes used by contractor ? 
What is the convention followed to gain more dollar amount?

Puzzle Tip :
Every building should contain three digits as specified in above format !!

Approach to Solve Puzzle :
  1. Normal method of numbering i.e., 1, 2, 3, ... 500 will result in less revenue
  2. Contractor says he is following this pattern to look numbering beautiful.
  3. Try getting solution for single digit, double digit and Triple digit zeroes separately

Solution to Puzzle :
Nothing is impossible.

Still you want to see the solution reach link to see the solution. But, don't give up easily. 


  1. solution is right, but analysis is not. If we are considering '0' then, for every 100, starting from 101, we see 20.
    101,102,103,105,106,107,108,109 = 9 '0'
    110,120,130,...190 = 9
    200 = 2
    9+9+2 = 20
    101-500 = 4*20 = 80

    for 1-100,
    100 = 2
    010, 020, ... 090 = 9* 2 = 18
    001,002,... 009 = 9*2 = 18
    011,012,... 019 = 9*1 = 9
    but, we have 9 such series, hence, its 9*9 = 81
    80+18+18+9+81 = 206

    the contractor will earn 206$ if he follows the triple digit pattern, compared to single digit pattern which will be 80+9+2 = 91

  2. Absolutely True...
    Idea here is to generate the Out of Box technique.

    My Bad, I missed some logic in solving the Question.
    Thanks for notification
