Friday, June 14, 2013

Awesome Magical water jars

Awesome # 2
Water Jar Question: 1
If you had a 5-liter jar and a 3-liter jar and an unlimited access to water, how would you measure exactly 4 liters using the above jars?
NOTE : Empty or completely filled Jars only should be used during measurement

Water Jar Question : 2
Given three jars: 8, 5 and 3 liters capacity, divide 8 liters in half (4 + 4 liters) with the minimum number of water transfers. 
NOTE : That the 8-liter jar initially filled with 8 liters of water and the other two jars are empty and No additional water should be used

Water Jar Question : 3
Given three jars: 7, 4 and 3 liters capacity. Only the 7-liter is full. Pouring the water the fewest number of times, make the quantities of 2, 2, and 3 liters.

Water Jar Question : 4
How can you measure 6 liters of water using only 4 and 9-liter jars?

Water Jar Question : 5
Measure exactly 2 liters of water if you have:
1. 4 and 5-liter jars
2. 4 and 3-liter jars

Water Jar Question : 6
Given three jars: 
(i).  Jar A (8 liters capacity) filled with 5 liters of water; 
(ii). Jar B (5 liters capacity) filled with 3 liters of water; 
(iii).Jar C (3 liters capacity) filled with 2 liters of water.
Can you measure exactly 1 liter, by transferring the water only 2 times? 


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  2. Solution 2:
    1.pour 5 litres from the 8-litre to the 5-litre bowl,
    2.pour 3 litres from the 5-litre to the 3-litre bowl,
    3.pour these 3 litres back to the 8-litre bowl,
    4.pour the remaining 2 litres from the 5-litre to the 3-litre bowl,
    5.pour 5 litres from the 8-litre to the 5-litre bowl,
    6.pour the missing 1 litre from the 5-litre to the 3-litre bowl (there should be 4 litres left in the 5-litre bowl),
    7.pour the 3 litres back from the 3-litre to the 8-litre bowl (and that's it - in 8-litre bowl 4 litres).

  3. Solution1

    Fill the 5-litre bowl and pour water to the 3-litre bowl, which you empty afterwards. From the 5-litre bowl pour the 2 remaining litres to the 3-litre bowl. Refill the 5-litre bowl and fill in the 3-litre bowl (with 1 litre), so there stay the 4 required litres in the 5-litre bowl.

  4. #1.fill 5 litre jar
    fill 3 litre jar with water from 5 L jar. %L will have 2L of water remaining
    empty the 3L jar
    transfer the water from 5L to 3L jar. %L will have oL and 3 will have 2L of water
    now, fill the 5L jar again
    using the 5L, fill the 3L Jar. 5L will have 4L remaining

    7L 4L 3L
    7 0 0
    3 4 0
    3 1 3
    6 1 0
    6 0 1
    2 4 1
    2 2 3


    measure 6 L using 9L and 4L jars
    9L 4L
    9 0
    5 4
    1 4
    1 0
    0 1
    9 1
    6 4 (transferred 3L from 9L to 4L jars)


    4L 5L
    0 5
    4 1
    0 1
    1 0
    1 5
    4 2

    4L 3L
    4 0
    1 3
    1 0
    0 1
    4 1
    2 3


    8L 5L 3L
    5 3 2 (starting position)
    2 5 2 (step 1)
    1 5 3 (step 2)
